An acute and lifelong artist, ASM has been intensively pursuing ways of discovering and translating mystic insight into visual art. During his creative evolution, he has explored various schools of thought and consciousness-development, combining these with profound personal experiences into his own unique vision as an artist. Knowing Visionary Art to be his path, he’s dedicated to insight about consciousness and how mystic revelations could be inspired through this shamanistic art-form. This road less traveled has since become a lifelong adventure of limitless growth and dilating creativity.
“My path as an artist has always been interdisciplinary, which allows me to blend forms, techniques, and ways of being to marry thinking and feeling, and thereby to defy limits. This process greatly enhances my visionary faculty and the capacity to sow seeds of inquiry and incentive, cultivating creativity in the viewer. My work is multifaceted, but with a continuum of integrating diverse perspectives; including science, mythology, psychology, geometry, sociopolitics, and metaphysics: into visions of gestalt. The images form by how I make connections between my experience and the conceptual mapping of it as a response to my personal quest. This quest is a devotion to the significance of life, as a development of integrity and potential in correspondence with an expanding of awareness, and wonder.”
Throughout his artistic development, ASM has learned a vast array of principles for how we see optically, perceptually and spiritually.
“My images are artifacts derived from exploring the relationships between personal profound experience, empathy into the depth of the human condition, and researched insight into our world and the significant meaning to be found. Making images is my tool for discovery, and a by-product of the experience of my consciousness. This creative work is how I process and integrate my perceptions of the world – into new ways of seeing, and new insights for living,” he says. And he adds:
“I attempt to point to the ‘numinous’, which is characterized by the quintessential qualities of the sacred: mystery, awe, fascination, satisfaction, and inspiration. In my view, art serves as a reflection of our context, and achieves its maximum potential when it acts deliberately to improve and benefit the whole. This is the intent I create with, and I hope that my work, in some way, benefits you.”
He has explored a vast gamut of technique, process, and concept over his career. Uniquely, he has developed a very particular technique of creating ‘drawing/paintings’ in the “ASMethod” – an approach that combines many of his techniques into the process that most of his renowned work is created. He continuously experiments to expand his repertoire as an original innovator in his field, and to challenge himself to the limit of what he believes he’s capable of achieving. For the past decade, he’s focused on visionary realism that combines photo-realism of natural environments that are combined with a surrealistic, imaginal energy and structure.